
To: All Primary School Principals and Guiders BASIC TRAINING COURSE II Dear Sir / Mdm, Girl Guides Singapore (GGS) will be conducting the Basic Training Course (BTC) in Jan 2020 for all adult leaders leading the Brownies’ programme in School. The BTC is a compulsory training course for all teachers who are appointed as Guiders for the school CCA, Brownies. This course will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to value-add and lead the Brownies programmes in their Packs. The course consist of 3 modules. All adult leaders must complete all the 3 modules of this course before they can receive their warrant. 100% attendance is required for the BTC. Guiders who have not completed their Module 2 will move straight to Pre-Camp Training and Module 2 in March for the 3 Days 2 Nights’ Camp.