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The US has spent decades building trade agreements and alliances with most nations in the world. This has given us access to otherwise inaccessible products like year-round bananas and oranges, kept prices affordable for things like coffee and tea and electronics, and generally improved our standard of living.

These agreements have also benefited our trade partners, giving developing nations a market for their products and access to modern technology. South Korea is one example. They were devastated in the 1950s by the war on the Korean Peninsula. International trade has helped South Korea to become a technological giant in dramatic contrast to their northern neighbor, and the US has been a major market. Japan and much of Europe also benefited from the US market as they rebuilt after WW II. bohemian plus figure wedding gowns

These trade relationships have played a major role in our national security as well. Along with trade agreements, we have mutual defense treaties and understandings with these same nations. And since our natural inclination is self-preservation and self-interest, none of our trade partners wants to torpedo their largest - or one of their largest - markets.

It has been a win-win for everyone.

Donny’s latest brainstorm is levying unreasonable import tariffs on some of our trade partners. It is no surprise that the nations he has targeted are not predominantly occupied by people with white skin. It is also no surprise that - initially, at least - those who will be most harmed by the reduced availability and higher prices will be lower-income Americans.

I remember when fresh fruits and vegetables were available only seasonally. Tomatoes and lettuce in the winter were extremely expensive if they were available at all. Tomatoes in the grocery stores were a sure sign that spring was here. Choices for appliances and electronics were very limited and prices were high. A washing machine or a refrigerator was almost as big an investment as an automobile, and many of us bought used ones.

Clothing was so expensive that men who wore suits daily owned 2 (3 if they could afford it) and enough shirts to get through the week. Women had 2 “Sunday” dresses and enough “everyday”clothes to make it through the week - sometimes wearing the same clothes twice. We came home from school and changed into play loathes to protect our good clothes, and socks and underwear were welcome Christmas gifts.

We were advised that we needed 3 sets of sheets for each bed and 2 sets of towels for each family member. Sometimes we could have that much. Linens were expensive; they were given and gladly received as wedding gifts.

This is the direction nationalism and protectionism will take us. Availability will go down and prices will go up. It is the nature of the beast called “Global Economy.” This is one of Steven Brannon’s and Donny’s more ill-considered ideas - one that will not “Make America Great” but will weaken our economy, our economic and military ties around the world, and further reduce our status in the global community.

Donny seems determined to behave like a two-year-old who is trashing his playroom in a temper tantrum.

I hope we can survive four years without irreparable damage to our economy and our international relationships.

God help us all.