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Having been tagged and requested many times on my take on this Chaffey Powder Puff thing, I guess I’ll make a comment. What’s my opinion, it’s stupid, but it’s not surprising. California is the most politically correct state in America and literally everyone is offended by everything. Specifically the LGBTQGJSKLMNOP community. Yes, there’s so many variants to the level of proclaimed discrimination that even their acronym is comical now. Everything is offensive, and everything subjects people a certain way. We should all just basically dress, act and all think the same as to avoid any prejudice to anyone in any way. But then again, when I participated in the Powder Puff game, I was too busy enjoying being a kid that I didn’t consider the fact that I was shaming women and the transgender community. We live in the most free country in the world where the word oppression doesn’t even exist, yet in the last 8 years we have raised an entire generation of oppressed privileged people. Gays are oppressed because some disagree with their choices. Yet gays in Iraq are being thrown off buildings blindfolded as the norm. The word trans doesn’t even exists there and forget drag queens in general. Who’s more oppressed? Women are unequal because colleges have skewed data and sold it to retarded college kids who believe anything a person with a degree says and now women are 2nd class citizens who are subjected to society. Yet women are forced to ride the back seat of a car, forbidden to talk, beaten publicly by their husbands, and stoned to death for being raped in various countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Who’s more oppressed? Black people are oppressed in America for slavery that has never existed in their lifetime, yet slavery and genocide still exist in Africa today. Who is more oppressed? old fashion wedding dresses

So you want my opinion, if you’re really that offended by a straight teenage boy wearing make up and dressing like a cheerleader for one game, then you just prove my point that you are not really oppressed at all because you have too much time on your hands to just shit on everyone’s parade. You’re the fun sucker at party that no one wants to invite but has to because your mom made you feel bad. Now this rant is not exclusive to one teacher or the school. It’s our entire culture and this stupid liberal agenda this state is cramming down kids throats.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a teenage nephew to beat right now, because he’s making too much damn noise crying in his room because you ruined his Powder Puff game and I’m trying to watch Parks and Recreation.