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On a weekly basis I hug students who have been bullied I mentor students who are bullies and give my best effort to understand and help them in a positive manner. I comfort and console students who have been hurt by others( including parents who have made choices that affect their children in a negative way. I come in contact with students being raised by grandparents and students who are basically raising themselves. I speak to these students, I smile at these students, I try to make myself available if they need a shoulder to cry on or give advice if they want it. And yes I even give them my THOUGHTS and PRAYERS that so many people seem to be bashing. I can name countless teachers who do the same thing I do. They buy YES out of their own pockets students prom dresses 8th grade graduation dresses and dress clothes for young men who don't have any . We make their hair beautiful and apply make-up all at no charge. We make sure they have Christmas presents. We secretly send them flowers and stuffed animals because they were the only students who got nothing on Valentines Day. This is just a small glimpse of things that teachers do. We are constantly thinking about how we could keep our students safe if that dreaded day ever happened and yes PRAYING that it NEVER does. I have been in a life and death situation in my own life and YES it was the PRAYERS lifted up from my family and friends and even strangers who did not know me that gave me the strength to keep fighting. I didn't have the strength to pray for myself many days but God honored the prayers of the people and I could feel HIS power helping me each day. I am not ashamed to say that I am PRAYING for the families affected by this terrible tragedy and I know it is ONLY by the PEACE that only GOD can give that they will be able to get through this. And I also still pray for families affected by Sandy Hook and Columbine and Kentucky and the missing Nigerian school girls. These are the ones that I hold dear in my heart and I do know there are many others. Today I pray for all the families that have been affected by such a terrible tragedy and I pray that they can find the strength to get through another day in a world that God created for good, but also a world where satan and his demons are doing their best to destroy. I do not want to debate my views so if you disagree with me I will not comment. I only ask all of my Christian friends and family to take this time to reflect on how you use your influence to help young people you really never know what you might say or do that could influence a young person in a positive way and it just might help them in some of the decisions they make in their lives. ALSO if you suspect or know that someone is or might be planning something that could hurt someone else PLEASE PLEASE tell the proper authorities it could save someones life God bless wedding outfits at wholesale prices